In-Studio Health Precautionary Measures

With in-person, in-studio group piano classes starting this week, here are some things to be aware of before you arrive:

1) Keep one another healthy and safe even before you arrive. By coming to your lesson, you are acknowledging that you have self-assessed your health and confirm that you:

  • are not experiencing any COVID-19 symptoms.

  • have not been in close contact with someone diagnosed with COVID-19 in the last 48 hours.

  • have not been directed by a health professional to self-quarantine.

2) Bring a mask. Wash your hands. Procedures for entering/exiting the studio:  

  • Students must sanitize/wash their hands before playing the keyboards.

  • Masks are required upon entering the studio, during group classes, and upon exiting the studio.

  • Group teachers and students will wear masks during the duration of their classes.

3) Run an errand or enjoy time in your car while waiting. Due to the gathering size regulation of 10 people indoors, parents will be asked to not wait in the waiting area during group classes.

4) Be ready for pick-up. Class periods are 50 minutes and there will be no “live” performance times at the end of each class. Students will be asked to wipe down their stations (where they are seated at least 6’ apart from one another) with disinfecting wipes at the completion of their class. Students will be brought to the waiting area when their class is complete.

Thank you for your cooperation and care in helping to keep one another healthy and safe!